In case you thought I fell off the face of the planet...

...I didn't. It's just a slow time of year at the mission. The first group of the summer arrives on June 3, so lately I've been spending part of the day in the office (answering e-mails, sending reminders to upcoming groups to get their forms/$$$ in, working on weekly schedules, helping Chris write grant proposals, etc.) and then I'll go for a walk or read or bake (I made a French Silk pie yesterday for this blog called The Kneady Chefs that Chris and I are a part of--each month is a new challenge and this month's is pie--I even made my own crust and lived to tell about it!) or work on my scrapbook (I just ordered a new batch of pictures yesterday too). In general I like to be busy all the time but it's nice to relax now and then.

I am also looking forward to Saturday because 2 of my friends from college are driving down to see me after school gets out. I am going to take them to church at Santisima and the Mercado Juarez, and we are going camping at Carlsbad and White Sands on Wednesday and Thursday. Then on Monday, Kristine, the summer volunteer who will be rooming with me, arrives. As you may have guessed, I am super-excited to about getting to spend time with my friends and about getting to meet and work with Kristine.

Something else I have been meaning to put on here for awhile--and this is as good a time as any since there isn't much else to post--is the weekly (ish) prayer newsletter the mission has started sending out. Recognize anyone in the graphic that's at the top of every issue?

In case you aren't sick of hearing about YLM via me and my blog and my newsletter, you can subscribe by visiting ;)

Until next time, blessings!
