Back in Action

Well I am safely back from my European adventures! We left Barcelona at 10:45 am Wed. morning and arrived in El Paso late Wed. night after 24 straight hours of traveling. Normally I cannot sleep in planes, cars, buses, or anything like that, but apparently I can after being up for about 22 hours first!

It was an incredible trip--cruising is a totally different and much more luxurious mode of travel than I am used to, and we saw soooo many wondrous sights, both natural and man-made, that it felt like we had been gone forever by the end of the 2 weeks. If I had to pick a couple favorites though, I'd say Venice, Santorini, and Dubrovnik. I'm working on organizing and captioning my pictures as we speak, so in the near future I'll post a blog with some of my best shots, and then once I integrate some of my traveling companions' pictures (most of the ones of me are on other people's cameras!), I'll post several facebook albums; there is a link on there for sharing with non-facebook users too.

It was a true vacation in the sense that I had no phone or internet, which made it very easy to barely even think about work! I love the mission and all but I have to say it was blissfully relaxing to be completely disconnected! I took yesterday to unpack, grocery shop, and let the jet lag catch up with me (I was dozing off while watching TV at about 8:15 last night), so this morning my can't-sit-still self was ready to get back into the swing of things. My inbox has returned to its normal level, as has my to-do list; topping it off is the Christmas Catalogue I need to have a draft of by Monday! Also coming up before I skip town AGAIN on 11/3 (SE conference in St. Louis) are a church Council meeting, Development Committee meeting, Conversations in Spanish meeting, golf tournament, Reformation service, fall festival, dentist appointment, and taking my cat for a vaccination. He is really not going to like me very much after leaving him, making him get a shot, and then leaving again!

One last thing...I was excited to come home to the news that WE WON THE LCMS WORLD MISSION PHOTO CONTEST!!! THANKS for all your votes--"Ray and William" was the big winner! The picture is going to be on the front page of The Reporter (print version), and the picture + a full article will appear in the online version. We're currently trying to figure out how to best utilize our prize winnings...

Until next time, blessings!


tchrchill said…
Glad you had such a wonderful time. I sure enjoyed having you along with us. You are SO EASY to travel and share a room with!!:-)

I'm also delighted that you're back in action -- I know YLM must have missed you guys!

Blessings, Carol