Springing FOROward

A team of six from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Tampa, FL, is in the house! I have about half an hour until we're gathering to organize craft supplies for the after school program kickoff (read: VBS) we're running all week, though: time for a quick update on last week's biannual partner gathering (FORO). 

The DR doesn't observe Daylight Savings Time, but having so many DRLM supporters in the same room at the same time certainly help us spring the mission forward. 

Day 1 is generally used for mission site visits - largely for the benefit of new partners - and a cultural excursion. First stop: Iglesia Luterana Cordero de Dios. 

The schoolchildren sang and recited a Bible verse for us!

Next stop: Pueblo Nuevo's current location. 

I say "current" because the contract on a new facility, a former discoteca in the same neighborhood, was signed this week. It was my first time in the space, which needs quite a bit of work before it'll be functional. The owner promised to do it, but I'm thinking there'll be some outstanding projects that summer and fall short-term teams can help with. 

After lunch, we did one of my favorite Santiago things: a Mural Route! I told you I intended to make every group of visitors do it with me. I'm up to 3x now. 

¡BIENVENIDOS! WELCOME to the Mercy Center!

First things first, though: Matins before meetings. Note Ted interpreting Rev. Idjon Fritz's sermon. 

Compared to the four partners who joined us around this table in the fall, 17 was a tremendous blessing. Safe to call this my first "real" FORO, I think. 

Presenting on short-term teams.  

And with a mic in hand again interpreting Sem student Elvis's sermon during Vespers. I was warmed up after a few practice rounds throughout the afternoon. The FORO is as much for the mutual edification of our Dominican staff people as it is our foreign visitors, so many of the presentations were given in Spanish; Ted & I took turns interpreting them. 

The partners divided and conquered on Sunday morning, joining missionary families for worship at each of the three churches in Santiago and a meal afterward. The Palmar Arriba missionaries and their guests were invited to "Golgotha" (the dormitory building) for an authentic Mexican meal prepared by Sem students Nefta and Guillermo. 

A quick business meeting on Monday morning with about half as many people as Saturday, and it was a wrap. We thank God for each of our partners' investment in the Church's work here and for the sacrifices they made to come and, literally, sit at our table for a few days!

That's all for now. I can hear the yarn and construction paper calling, even over the loudspeaker from the 7th Day Adventist World Youth Day celebration going on across the street...

Until next time, blessings!
