My last newsletter ever so briefly alluded to Missions Unpacked for Kids, but given the amount of time that numerous people have dedicated to it ever since an emergency meeting about an "unexpected wrinkle" on Thursday afternoon, it deserves more than passing mention. Wrinkle or no wrinkle, we're going to make it happen, and it's going to be awesome. 

Let me back up. In January and February of this year, some colleagues and I pulled off what came to be known as Missions Unpacked: a "global mission experience" to "unpack how LCMS International Mission works without ever having to dig out your suitcase." The educational, experiential event took place online over the course of four weeks, one for each region. 

It was a pilot, and we approached it as such. We had no idea how it was going to go. It could have been a flop. 

Instead, it blew us away. 

So, even as we debriefed and analyzed the original, its first spin-off was conceived.

"MU4K" has the same overarching goal as MU, just aimed at a younger audience (grades 1-6, plus suggested adaptations for younger learners, to be specific): "Expand kids’ worldview with an interesting, age-appropriate introduction to LCMS International Mission."

The curriculum, if you will, is structured as five video-based sessions, each lasting 45-60 minutes. Predictably, there's one for each of the four regions plus a wrap-up called "Loving Your Neighbor Wherever You Live." It would work equally well as an at-home summertime activity for stir-crazy siblings or projected in a school or Sunday school classroom over a period of weeks. The capstone piece will be a live (Zoom) Mission Celebration OR suggestions for hosting your own mission celebration. Other ancillaries: a leader's guide and student workbook. 

I cannot even express to you how many of the past 48 hours I've spent making sure the materials list accounts for every last glue stick and paper towel tube, how many LCMS Photo Gallery searches I've performed in pursuit of just the right image, or how many comments I've left and replied to on Word documents and PowerPoint presentations that are all starting to blend together. I work with a talented team of smart, creative people, though, and I meant it when I said it's going to be awesome.  

So, you're a parent, grandparent, godparent, aunt, uncle, teacher, Sunday school teacher, homeschooler, or just love kids, you say? 
  • Registration is open as we speak. Click this post's header image or follow this link to sign the youngsters in your life up. 
  • All MU4K content will be available on the MU website in late June. In the meantime, head there to see what made MU so great that we hardly hesitated in planning a derivative. 
  • Help spread the word. Download and share the images below on your or your church's social media networks, in your church bulletin or newsletter, etc. 

Until next time, blessings!
