The First 24 Hours

Don't get your hopes up: I'm not going to do a detailed post about every day of home service. I think my first 24 hours, though, deserve special mention. 

My day started with a 16 mi. bike ride on Grant's Trail with dear supporters friends Mark (right), Ellen (below, left), and newlywed Josh (center)! They may as well have been on the Tour de France compared to my piddling effort on a borrowed bike with a too-big helmet, but a leisurely pace allowed us to chat while we pedaled. 

We tried a new (to me) taco place in downtown Kirkwood for lunch afterwards...

...and followed it up with dessert at - where else? - Ted Drewes. 

We finished the last of our custard and hopped in the car right before the skies let loose with a classic Midwest summer thunderstorm! 

That afternoon, I ran errands with my mom and sister; what's more American than Wal-Mart? We also hit up the library. The library! A few days before leaving Punta Cana, I had the forethought to put real books on hold so they'd be ready for me. So far, I put up with my family's nerd-shaming all the way through Ken Jennings' Maphead and loved it. 

We got home in plenty of time for my favorite show, Jeopardy!. In the middle of another dominating performance by the reigning champ, my brother called to see if a) he and his family could stop by that night; and b) if they could bring dinner. Yes and yes. Once we all tired of being beaten at UNO by my 5 yr. old nephew, I went to bed with a full (of IMO's pizza, my 2nd St. Louis classic of the day) tummy and a full heart, ready for nine more weeks of days just like the first. 

Until next time, blessings!
