Hemisphere Hopping

You've heard of island hopping, which I do plenty of. But how about hemisphere hopping? I left the "H" team of Peru volunteers in the capable hands of Rev. Walterson Siewert and headed back north of the Equator to Jamaica for a FORO. 

My coworkers Ted (Regional Director) and Jana (Communications Specialist) met me there. Our first order of business was a Friday morning meeting of the Lutheran Ministries in Jamaica Advisory Council (essentially, the board of directors for the LCMS' Kingston-based NGO) to take care of some official acts. I did my best to keep up with all the motioning and seconding as I took minutes. 

We spent the rest of the day assessing Ministry Centre improvements: timing, scope, cost, and potential for volunteer involvement. 

Twice it started raining as soon as we started an exterior walkaround. The rain was good for something though: we learned there's water seeping up through the foundation in the kitchen. 

Team dinner at a local Italian hotspot. 

Saturday, we heard from each of the pastors. Revs. Arthur Benevenuti & Obot Ite each presented on highlights since the last FORO and goals to work toward before the next one. 

Fittingly, we got a double dose of the Gospel on Reformation Sunday, although hitting both Faith and St. Andrew's meant we had to duck out early from the first service and slide in in the middle of the sermon at the second. Jana was eating up the chance to get some new photos of ministry in action, but she can't always be behind the camera ;)

Sunday night, I had dinner with the same cousin I stayed with on the tail end of my April trip. After 3+ weeks on the road, the CASSEROLE his wife made spoke to my Midwestern heart. We raided their kids' Halloween candy for dessert. I was blessedly able to change my flight home from a 6:XX arrival into Santo Domingo to a 2:XX arrival into Santiago, where I enjoyed four glorious days until I took to the friendly skies again. Today, I was up at 4:30 am to make my way from Omaha, NE, to Lima, Peru...meaning I'm already behind on blogging the beginning of this 3+ week trip. Stay with me!

Until next time, blessings in Christ!
