The Other Side of the State

[Current location: Estes Park, CO]

The Saturday after returning from my epic loop through Iowa, I hopped back on I-70 and ignored the déjà vu as I repeated the STL to KC leg. This time, though, I'd stay on the other side of the state to visit two congregations and stay with my Deaconess friend Sarah. 

Before I hit the road, I spoke at LWML rally 1 of 2, held at my home congregation. 

Rev. Paul Prange's opening devotion spoke to my heart; he used Jeopardy-style clues to highlight the lives and witnesses of various biblical women. 

What fun to speak to a whole room of "d"eaconesses (if you've heard my presentation, you'll get the reference)! SO many familiar faces were in attendance, including a former coworker from my high school job at Kirkwood Public Library.

KC stop #1: St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Lee's Summit. Pastor Otto introduced me at all services (including Saturday night), and most of the Bible classes joined together to hear me present in the Family Life Center. The morning concluded by getting to know both pastors and their families over lunch. 

KC stop #2: King of Kings Lutheran Church in Kansas City proper. 

The Global Missions Team organized a mission fair highlighting a number of the congregation's outreach efforts: Compassion International; LBT; and their partnership with Latin America & the Caribbean, in part through me. I got to set up a display table and present to a gathering of dedicated members who gave up their afternoon to come and learn.

Outgoing LBT missionaries Rev. Tim & Deac. Erin Schulte gave the Reader's Digest version of their presentation following mine, having been at KoK all day and had the chance to address the entire congregation during morning services. The church treated all three of us to an Indian feast with some fabulous company after we'd packed up our tables.

I was eager to get back to St. Louis early on a windy Monday morning because I had a full week planned...of laying on the couch reading a book :)

Until next time, blessings in Christ!
