It's High Time...

The thread running through my past week or so has been...high schoolers. 

The Tuesday after I got back from my sister's wedding, I ate and ran at a DR all-team potluck in order to attend Santiago Christian School's graduation. Micah, the oldest son of a family I've grown close with through being members at the same church, graduated as the valedictorian AND won the school's highest character award. Dad Owen gave an outstanding Director's address, too. Pictured L to R are Owen, Jesse, me, Micah, mom Val, Abigail, and Val's parents Mary and Donald. 

That weekend, I had planned on stopping in La Vega Saturday morning to support the DRLM's 2nd annual youth retreat on my way home from a few days in the capital. My trip there fell through, but I already had it in my head that I'd be on hand to support, so I rode the ~40 min. from Santiago with Tirzah even though I didn't have a particular role. I tried to take high quality photos for posterity, looked for opportunities to be helpful, had some needed conversations with colleagues, and enjoyed catching up with friends from the capital who were volunteering with their church's contingent. 

Registration ladies extraordinaire. 

Opening devo by the now PASTOR Josué Ventura introducing the theme of Ecclesiastes 3:1:
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.

You can't play outdoor games without MUSIC.

I LOVED watching 2 of the youth from the Good Shepherd Lutheran Homes group home, like Estefani (left), participate alongside their peers. 

Afternoon keynote by Rev. Sergio Fritzler. I had one of those mind-blowing moments when he pointed out that the theme verse contains both of the Greek words for "time."

More games, led by a church member from Pueblo Nuevo who works as a PE teacher.

Estefani and I. 

This year's attendance (~50) represented about a 67% increase over last year's. If Rev. Idjon Fritz, who preached at Vespers, has anything to say about it, we'll have 140 next year! Interested in sending a team to help? Visit 

In keeping with the theme, I'm hosting a team of high schoolers as I write this (they're off living their best lives playing UNO with Estefani and basketball with neighborhood kids until lunch with Rev. Sergio Fritzler + 3 seminary students). More on "LuHi" soon :)

Until next time, blessings in Christ!
