Clan Mackenzie

Clan Mackenzie grew by 1 on Saturday, June 4 when my cousin Ian married the newest Mrs. Mackenzie, Maria! Their wedding was a great excuse to get most of the Mackenzies together at one time, and to capture all of us looking our best!

The ceremony took place at a Catholic church in Brentwood, and I realized almost as soon as I walked in that I knew one of the bridesmaids from highschool! I double-checked my suspicion in the bulletin, and said hi to her at the reception. Small world! My favorite part was the end, not because it was over, but because the recessional was accompanied by a bagpiper!

I guess it's a Catholic tradition to have a couple of hours between the ceremony and the reception, so we had time to go home, change clothes, and watch the Cardinals game. It still wasn't over when we showed up at the reception though--extra innings! If it had been MY wedding, there would have been a big screen with the game on, but thankfully one of my cousins kept us all updated on his phone. The reception took place downtown at the Randall Gallery, which I adored! It's an art gallery with pieces everywhere for sale, but one that's no longer functional outside of hosting special events. I thought it was a fantastic venue and could think of so many creative wedding picture ideas that would incorporate some of the paintings and sculptures. The other standout for me was the cake with its super-yummy icing!

All in all it was a wonderful evening spent with my wonderful family!

Until next time, blessings!
