Goin' to the Chapel

My presentation at my home congregation came midway through two solid weeks in St. Louis between road trips. During those two weeks, I led three school chapels. I will have led eight by the time all is said and done, which begs the question: what is the point of talking to kids who aren't old enough to have checkbooks? 
  1. Even babies & toddlers have hands that can be folded, eyes that can be closed, and heads that can be bowed in prayer. Network building is as much or more about raising up an army of prayer warriors as it is about garnering financial support. 
  2. It's never too early to begin learning about stewardship of time, talents, and treasure in the Kingdom. Young people can give of their own allowance, birthday, or babysitting money, however modest their gifts may be. They can also participate in school or churchwide fundraising campaigns, and they belong to families who may have a greater capacity to partner with a missionary and churches that may consider sending a short-term team, perhaps even an intergenerational one. 
  3. Kids who are informed about the Church's work around the world grow up to become adults who are informed about the Church's work around the world, and perhaps a smidge more culturally sensitive, to boot. 
  4. It instills and inspires in them a sense of vocation. Most missionaries currently on the field can point to either a short-term mission trip or a missionary visit (or both, in my case) as a turning point. I'm me and sat where the students sit, yet now I'm doing my dream job on a tropical island. In other words, missionary is a valid church work career that even people who fit my profile can and should perhaps think about pursuing. 
Without further ado, let's go to the chapel. 

Christ Community Lutheran School Early Childhood Center, Kirkwood, MO
This was one of my most intimidating engagements. I don't know how to talk to three-year olds! I scrapped my go-to chapel talk in favor of a new message on the idea of following God's instructions (fleshed out in my Home Service newsletter), with a plethora of props. I ran it by a fellow missionary with a degree in early childhood education and continued tweaking it right up until the day before. In the moment it felt like it was suuuuuuuper short, but that's probably a good thing!

St. Paul's Lutheran School, Des Peres, MO
I literally sat where these kids sat! I spoke to a sanctuary full of Saints on the idea of partnership in the Gospel, using two pre-selected fifth grade volunteers for an object lesson involving an empty Tupperware container and two blocks. 

Lutheran High School South, Affton, MO
Although almost the entire teaching staff is different than when I graduated, LHSS's faith foundation is the same. The entire student body paused from a busy Wednesday for worship, during which I gave the message. I decided high schoolers were ready for an abridged version of my standard presentation, which walks through LAC's three-part mission strategy and my vocation within it. The Scripture verse I left them with, 2 Corinthians 5:7, happened to be the 2021-2022 Chapel subtheme! We were in the gym maybe 45 min. in all, but I spent most of my day on campus, visiting with a first hour Spanish IV class before chapel and a fourth house Spanish I class that lasted until the final bell. 

(Note that in electing to do a themed post, I'm skipping around on my home service calendar and skipping some engagements altogether. Nevertheless, I value each of the Divinely appointed connections God has granted me and mean no disrespect to those not specifically called out.)

Until next time, blessings!
