God Created

***LONG POST ALERT!*** (When your team includes a professional photographer, it's hard to limit yourself!)

Still somewhat unbelievably, I spent last week in Jamaica hosting my home congregation. What a gift to do what I do best for ten individuals representing the church I've been a member of since age three, some of whom have known me almost as long. At the behest of the local church and Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) branch, they came to lead a VBS. Their original curriculum centered on creation and naturally, the Creator. Even as I write this the title theme song is running through my head. 

Mostly rested (those who got to sleep with A/C better than others...) after Saturday's late evening arrival, we began our week in the Word. The Kirbys, former LCMS missionaries to Jamaica, led a spontaneous sing-a-long as we waited for members to trickle in. I was soaking up their wisdom all week: a fun gift shop NOT full of Chinese trinkets; bullas for breakfast and wine slice for dessert; and how to climb Dunn's River Falls sans guide.  

"Pastor Peter" preached. 

Mike, a psychiatrist, shared his vocation by leading a 2-part session called "A Christian-Centered Approach to Mental Health in the 21st Century." He had clearly done his research on the local context, and it was evident during the Q&A that his message struck a chord. 

Lunch - and the orientation we hadn't gotten to do in the frenzy of the night before - at a local favorite, Island Grill. 

Then: VBS prep!

A few of the church kids met us at the Ministry Centre Monday morning, but Lois was ready. 

Our site was a preschool about 1 1/2 km. from the Ministry Centre (home to St. Andrew Lutheran Church). We were grateful to have such gracious and welcoming hosts, but there was NO shade. We tried valiantly - and mostly succeeded - to rig up a tarp on Day 1 but flexed and did something else the rest of the week. 

Lois gained a helper in Zaria for onsite registration. 

Kicking things off (under the tarp for the only time)! Openings from then on were in a teeny patch of morning shade in the corner of the building, and closings, inside. 

Praise God for every child He brought through the doors, and for the grace to get our ducks in a row without being overrun. We were prepared for up to 100, though, so Rev. Arthur Benevenuti and LHM director Giselle went out canvassing!

THIS is why you're only about 1/3 of the way through this post ;)

Kids rotated through four stations between the opening and closing: lessons (pictured above), crafts, games, and snacks. Everyone stayed together on Day 1; later in the week, we'd have up to three groups simultaneously, based on age. 

I'd been to Jamaica SIX times previously and NEVER heard of the Day 1 snack: "bun and cheese." It was truly unlike anything I've ever had before, but not bad. The ingredients aren't found in typical US stores, but I'd compare the flavor combo to sandwiching Velveeta between slabs of pumpkin bread, or frosting a spice cake with spray cheese. 

Gettin' my hair did by Zaria Tuesday morning. 

Who knew that EIGHTEEN humans could fit in our bus...plus a water cooler, 2 fans...?!

No tarp, no problem. 

Tuesday afternoon, most of the team and I went to Hope Botanical Garden; the Benevenutis (pictured: younger daughter Gigi & I) met us there. 

We did those who opted out a favor by scouting out Devon House ice cream flavors before we'd all go Friday night. In our defense, it was on the way! I tried a Jamaican classic, Grape Nut (yes, like the cereal), and loved it. 

After observing for a couple days, Pastor Benevenuti felt up to leading Wednesday's opening!

That afternoon, we ventured a bit further to Castleton Botanical Garden, again accompanied by the Benevenutis. We picnicked, enjoyed the water (or the sun), and walked a short cobblestoned loop through an area lush with local vegetation. 

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the demolition work a few of the guys (pictured: "Mr. Mike") tackled around long, hot days at VBS and afternoon adventures. Stay tuned for an AFTER pic.

Both Wednesday and Thursday evenings, we enjoyed dinner courtesy of the pastors' families. The Ites (pictured) brought a feast to the Ministry Centre, and the Benevenutis invited us over for a joint birthday party for Lu and Gigi (6). 

Friday morning baby duty (Asher, b. Dec. 2022). 

Numbers swelled nicely by the last day. Again, God be praised, even if only because we invited parents to come and provided patties for lunch. 

Shantal, also on staff with LHM, stamped contact information on free resources she made available. 

Pastor Benevenuti made sure everyone knew they were welcome at St. Andrew before they went through the buffet line. 

And now...we play.

I'd done this particular excursion before but with an annoying guide/videographer and without the beach. Peter guided us up while Carla saved us a picnic table so we could relax in the ocean after our climb. 

The future library's sagging ceiling and rotting built-in cabinet are GONE. Picture bookshelves, a pair of comfy chairs, soft lamp lighting, and maybe even a rug in here one day soon. 

I left within 20 minutes of the team Sunday morning. It's a bird! It's a plane! It's BOTH our planes!

Can I say again how refreshing it was to be amongst my St. Paul's family, 1,600 miles away from 12345 Manchester Rd.? I didn't even mention all of our evenings spent playing hearts, Bananagrams, and Splendor. I'll miss* the reunion they planned over jerk chicken for this coming Sunday but never fear, there'll be another while I'm on home service!

Until next time, blessings in Christ!

*Passport pending, I fly to Lima, Peru, Friday morning at 6:40 am. I called the US Embassy this morning, and evidently neither my new one (mailed 9/1) nor my old one (mailed 9/4) is there. I'm supposed to call again Wednesday afternoon and am mentally preparing for a repeat embassy experience Thursday. 
