The first full week of August meant it was regional conference time again in LAC. 
His steadfast love endures forever

The regional team arrived on a Friday (NEW this year, instead of staying after) for 2 days of meetings. 
His steadfast love endures forever. 

Any day that starts with a sunrise walk on a beach far cleaner than I remember is a good day. 
His steadfast love endures forever

The conference center was under construction, so we met in the one of the restaurants, Under the Sea. 
His steadfast love endures forever

It's a gift to be part of this talented, driven team that supports 42 church plants in 13 countries. 
His steadfast love endures forever

When your room is directly across from the meeting place, it becomes a makeshift storage unit. 
His steadfast love endures forever

Buuuuut I also had the BEST maid who put flowers on my bed every day ❤
His steadfast love endures forever

Her piece de resistance was this guy!
His steadfast love endures forever

I joked that if I wasn't at the pool I'd be watching the Olympics...and was only partly kidding. 
His steadfast love endures forever.

Monday, the regional team helped welcome the rest of the 113 conference guests. 
His steadfast love endures forever

Programming kicked off Tuesday; mornings featured Rev. Dr. Geoff Boyle's exposition of the Psalms. 
His steadfast love endures forever

The giant fish really brought new meaning to Deac. Cheryl's afternoon women's Bible study on Jonah. 
His steadfast love endures forever. 

I stepped out occasionally to check on an exceptionally capable missionary kid program team. 
His steadfast love endures forever

Bilingual team leader Joanna, a teacher and mom of 4, was a game changer!
His steadfast love endures forever

Meeting in Under the Sea meant the volunteers could utilize the kids' and teens' club spaces to the max. 
His steadfast love endures forever

They also had free reign of a different restaurant, Bella Cucina, all morning. 
His steadfast love endures forever

One of the volunteers, Anna, owns a small face-painting business and brought some of her supplies. 
His steadfast love endures forever

Volunteer Daniel helped the kids make stamped metal jewelry one morning. 
His steadfast love endures forever

Volunteer Mike, a former missionary pastor, led a special Bible study for the teens. 
His steadfast love endures forever

They even sang together in two languages. 
His steadfast love endures forever

Any volunteer team that does evening devotions together at "Plaza Bellini" can come back anytime.
His steadfast love endures forever

Volunteers Abby (L) and Melinda (R) both knew one of the volunteers I'd hosted in Uruguay in May. 
His steadfast love endures forever

The dad squad. L to R: Revs. Benjamin (Belize), Roberto (DR), and Rafael (DR > Chile). 
His steadfast love endures forever

Missionary sisters who rarely cross paths yet sharpen one another weekly via a Zoom Bible study. 
His steadfast love endures forever

Nightly heart-to-hearts are my favorite. 
His steadfast love endures forever. 

After 4 years, trivia a la Erin that individuals or teams play LIVE on their own devices is a fixture. 
His steadfast love endures forever

Three of these four who claim they weren't cheating placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd...
His steadfast love endures forever

My "fellowship day" morning: 10k run, breakfast, watching the Olympics in the A/C, water park. 
His steadfast love endures forever

The cocktail party isn't over 'til we take our annual LAC ladies photo. 
His steadfast love endures forever

If you guessed the theme of this year's conference was steadfast love (חֶסֶד, or HESED, in Hebrew), you'd be right. It's a term that comes up 245x in the Old Testament. One hundred twenty-nine of those instances are in the Psalms, including our theme verse, Psalm 100:5: 
For the Lord is good;
    his steadfast love endures forever,
    and his faithfulness to all generations.
Dr. Boyle and the many pastors who preached God's Word at daily morning and afternoon orders of worship left us with myriad humbling, comforting thoughts about God's HESED to carry us through a year that's sure to be filled with trials and temptations of every kind until we meet again. 

And when we do...it won't be in Punta Cana. 

Tirzah: "In 2025 we're going to..." [surprising me by running over to me with the mic]
Me, pumping my arms in the air: "St. Louis!"

I'm already anticipating a year of flak about going to the Midwest in the dog days of summer, but I, for one, am thrilled we get to explore our US Lutheran roots in my hometown. Taking the show on the road, though, means planning starts NOW. Or soon, anyway: I'm going to Belize tomorrow, Tirzah's going on home service 8/28, Jamielynn's moving to Chile 8/30...

Until next time, blessings in Christ!
