If the shoe fits...

Today is quite possibly the single busiest day of servant event-ness in 2010. I counted 55 volunteers staying either here or at San Lucas in Anapra tonight. My brain hurts and I am beat from being pulled in many different directions all day, and what am I doing? Blogging, go figure!

I had to share this though, since I love the random things that occur in the course of any given day here. This one--the arrival of 800 pairs of shoes--happened to be planned, although that's not always the case. Gary and Marilyn Wenzel from St. Paul Lutheran Church in Chicago, IL, drove this red truck down on Monday, LOADED with shoes. A servant event from their church is coming the first week in August to build a new storage warehouse at Santisima Trinidad and conduct a shoe clinic, so the couple, who is not even coming on the servant event, volunteered to take a trip to El Paso in lieu of making the church pay to ship the shoes down. They had to arrive ahead of time so that we can start sending them across the border and avoid potentially having to pay fines on excessive amounts of cargo. That process could begin as early as tomorrow, once some of our Workforce Solutions volunteers finish counting and inventorying them by size and gender.

It was wonderful to meet Gary and Marilyn, whom I also wound up giving a campus tour to, and I am looking forward to the rest of the group's arrival in a couple short weeks. Needless to say, they should get better gas mileage!

Until next time, blessings!
