Mt. Cristo Rey

The delayed birthday event from Saturday morning was climbing Mt. Cristo Rey! It's something that I had wanted to do for a long time; it was even on my El Paso bucket list. The cross at the top, which is actually a crucifix, can be easily seen from a couple of our mission sites in Juarez, and supposedly the summit is where TX, NM, and Mexico all come together. It's roughly 800 ft. in elevation, which is reached via an easy 2.2. mile trail. I would definitely recommend the hike as a Sunday afternoon activity for El Paso-based SE groups--the view alone is worth it, as you will see below!

The start of the trail, with the summit off to the left in the distance.

Silhouette of the summit from early on in the hike.

One of YLM's Juarez missions, Iglesia Sin Paredes, as seen from about halfway up. It's the reddish building with a bluish trailer next to it, dead center in this shot.

A little higher up now...looking out over Anapra.

Another of YLM's mission churches, Iglesia San Lucas, as seen from near the top. I tried to center it in my shot as well; it's the large white building with a peaked roof.

Made it to the top!

Views of the crucifix...

Panorama of Anapra from the top...this one is quite possibly my favorite!

Me with Anapra in the background.

The only possible angle that includes part of the statue AND Anapra.

This was definitely my favorite of Chris's plans for my birthday, even though it actually took place on the 20th. I mentioned in yesterday's entry what dinner last night was, but there was dessert too: pumpkin carrot cake! I also wanted to share some of my birthday wishes from Juarez; I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family on both sides of the border!

Until next time, blessings!


Carol said…
Your pictures make me want to go up there -- but not in July. Wonder if we could do that on a Thanksgiving afternoon sometime in lieu of the market for those who would prefer a walk in nature and a walk to God? Just saying!!!