Eagle's Wing Lutheran Church

Walking to my car after church yesterday, I was asked an interesting question: what name would I give the church? Having been forewarned last Sunday, I was prepared with my answer and corresponding reasoning.

I've thought it odd from the beginning of my time here: only one of the five LCMS churches and/or missions in the DR has an actual name, and it's hardly ever referred to as such. By and large, people refer to the respective places of worship by their locations: Las Américas. Ozama. Palmar [Arriba]. Pueblo Nuevo. And mine, Licey. 

That's about to change, though. In addition to implementing a cleaning schedule and placing offering envelopes near the Bibles and worship folders, the current church council determined that we need a name! Members were polled today; the council will discuss and vote at their 2/10 meeting. 

It's an intimidating prospect, the naming of a church. The options are limitless. Joking with one of the seminarians assigned to "Licey" last week, we came up with a humorous but oddly meaningful option. He informed me that the church council president, Luis, is a Tigres de Licey fan when it comes to Caribbean League Baseball and jested that we should name the church after the Águilas Cibaeñas (Cibao Eagles) just to spite him. My brain immediately went to Isaiah 40:31:

 "But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

Iglesia Luterana Ala de Águila! Eagles' Wing Lutheran Church!

In all seriousness, my suggestion was inspired by a circular stained glass panel of a lamb waving a victory banner that sits to the left of the altar. I have no idea where it came from, but the only thing I could think of was Iglesia Luterana Cordero de Dios. Lamb of God Lutheran Church. I could cite Bible verses that correspond to ovine imagery in Scripture all day. There's Jesus, the sinless Son of God, as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world, and each of us, ignorant sheep who'd go astray if not for the Good Shepherd's tender mercies. Apparently I'm not alone. Luis reported that three others had suggested the same; the only alternative was Iglesia Luterana Casa de Oración (House of Prayer Lutheran Church), inspired by Jesus' own words (Mt 21:13/Mk 11:17/Lk 19:46). 

I'll report back in mid-February. No matter what's decided, I feel like I'm a part of a momentous occasion. The trick will be getting people to actually use the new name...old habits die hard...

Until next time, blessings!
