I’m Not in Charge

Hi, my name is Erin, and I'm a Control Freak.

Attending last weekend's Peru FORO without planning it, then, was both trying and refreshing. Trying, because my first inclination is often to commandeer any situation that involves logistics, and refreshing, because I got to sit back, defer to the local team for three days, and enjoy the ride...literally, as we set out for the Museo Larco Friday morning (Plan B when it was too damp and drizzly for a boat tour of La Punta). 

Out of town guests included regional team colleagues, a team of five volunteers from Immanuel Lutheran Church in East Dundee, IL, that would stay on to serve the following week, the Rev. Dwayne Lueck (North Wisconsin District, far left), and the Rev. Bob Pase (Grace Lutheran Church, Midland, TX, far right). 

Side note: Pastor Lueck brought 14 lbs. of cheese curds!

I'd been to the Museo Larco before but failed to notice that this teeny, 398 thread count Chincha-Inca tapestry from the Imperial Epoch (1300 d.C. – 1532 d.C.) holds a world record!

Mark (Immanuel), Kevin (a Bolivian pastor-elect who'll be supporting the Peru Lutheran Mission through 12/21 while awaiting a call in his home country), and Pastor Pase. 

The staff & kids at Castillo Fuerte (CF) in La Victoria received us with open arms, literally, Friday afternoon. 

We joined the CF family for an ají de gallina lunch. Later, each member of the staff introduced herself, and a smattering of the kids shared what they love most about Castillo.  

The teachers then split us into two groups, and we traipsed upstairs to work on a communal craft project. 

I'm stealing this idea!

Our afternoon ended with a dodgeball-like game at the park. First, the adults tried to peg the kids, but the tables soon turned!

Dinner at a Lima institution known for its two standby soups and a rotating soup of the day. 

Reporting commenced Saturday morning.  

I mentioned a team of volunteers, but can I just give them some more props for their openness to seeing what this FORO thing was all about? FOROs and volunteers logically go hand in hand as FORO partner districts/congregations are likely candidates for sending volunteers and FOROs are a natural next step for volunteers looking to stay plugged in after their time on the ground is up. 

National pastor Rev. Jeancarlos Ramírez addressed those gathered Saturday afternoon. 

That night, we went back to La Victoria for their Saturday evening Divine Service followed by fellowship - and lots of sweets - with members. 

Another day (Sunday), another Divine Service (in Los Olivos), followed by lunch at a pollería within walking distance that may or may not have known we were coming but scrounged together a table for 18 mere minutes after we all crowded in. 

A low-key picadera in the backyard of the mission office closed out the weekend, with much of the group heading to the airport midway through. I was so glad Alliance missionary pastor Rev. Walterson Siewert brought his wife & daughter Isabela (pictured), who has really come out of her shell in the years I've been coming to Peru. 

I'm positive I sounded like a broken record repeating the title affirmation, but those who were in charge pulled off a meaningful, thought-provoking few days whose ripples will help maintain and expand church planting efforts in Peru's capital in the weeks, months, and years to come. Even so, I was glad to be back in charge Tuesday morning as the Immanuel team's service began in earnest ;)

Until next time, blessings in Christ!
