Solemnly Appointed...AGAIN!

I thought it was so cool the first time around when I received a document entitled, "Solemn Appointment" in the mail from LCMS--it was so formal and official sounding. Now that I chose to extend my term, I got another one! Here's the first paragraph:

To Erin Mackenzie of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO

Having called on the Lord, our God, for guidance and in the exercise of the authority with which He has vested His church on earth, we, the members of the Board for Mission Services of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, in lawful meeting on September 28, 2009, have appointed you to the office of Globally Engaged Outreach Missionary and herewith extend to you this formal notification of your solemn appointment.

I guess that means I'm off to the races here pretty soon... ;)

Until next time, blessings!
