Let Freedom Swing!

(I'm writing this from St. Louis, where I am once again on short notice--this time because my godmother passed away yesterday afternoon.)

Friday was YLMHC's 3rd Annual Golf Tournament. I titled this blog the same as the article that came out about the tournament in YLM's quarterly newsletter a few weeks ago. I was really excited when I came up with it! Most of YLM's supporters are not local, so instead of traveling to El Paso to golf, they sponsor a soldier from El Paso's very own Ft. Bliss. The man who is essentially the brains behind the whole production, a member of Zion Lutheran Church, is a military veteran himself. I thought the gesture became especially meaningful this year as our nation commemorated the events of 9/11.

I spent a few hours at the country club where the tournament was held in the morning--taking pictures and encouraging golfers to buy mulligans--and then came back in the evening for the buffet dinner and program featuring Mariachi San Pablo. I missed the first few innings of Game 7, but Chris was gracious enough to lend me his smartphone ;) We get better and better at pulling off the event each year; 2011 marked our highest golfer total yet at 92! Below are some of the pictures I (or Chris's mom Carol with my camera) took:

Some of the soldiers--including one in uniform--at registration.

All the military represented.

This was the first year that I actually ventured down to the course for some action shots!

One of the foursomes (minus a teammate who showed up later on).

Until next time, blessings!
