First ever "VBS" at Sin Paredes
Monday through Wednesday Chris and I spent our mornings "helping" with the first ever VBS at Sin Paredes. We got volunteered for the job, and were basically needed to make copies of CDs for music, transport food across the border for lunch, and photocopy coloring sheets. I am officially OUT of recycled paper from that last one. The plan was to do 3 days, ending on a Wednesday with the regularly scheduled Mesa de Reyes programming. This week was our only open one before school starts again over there! Basically it consisted of an extended version of what takes place every week, with a few special treats thrown in. The kids divided into 3 groups by age for a very brief Bible lesson/prayer (sometimes), a coloring sheet/craft or practicing choreographed motions to a song (for the oldest group), and then lunch all together. Attendance was 60ish on Monday, 80ish on Tuesday, and 100ish on Wednesday. I feel like it could have been more structured and exciting if I/we had felt more o...