Holding Hands
I did two presentations over the weekend; the first was at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Percy, IL, a congregation I got connected with when I attended a recent tri-circuit meeting . Worship there is at 6:30 pm on Saturday evenings. (The opening hymn was "Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today! (LSB 457)" so it's as good a time as any to post a picture of the reminder from fellow LAC missionary Lizz Warren I see on my refrigerator everyday that it's STILL the joyous Easter season!) EVERYONE (maybe 20 or so people, most of whom had already introduced themselves to me personally) stayed for my presentation, which was immediately following. I then had a chance to talk with people further as we enjoyed fellowship and snacks; they're like one, big, happy, tight-knit family! One lady I met at Emmanuel, Mary, shared with me - and anyone else within earshot! - that it was her and her husband John's 52nd anniversary of holding hands for the first time. Once you s...