
Showing posts from March, 2021

Proyecto Alianza

Here goes nothing. I probably should have tackled this in bite-sized chunks, but alas, I did not, precisely because "this" was happening:  Proyecto Alianza .  This post briefly explains why all I've talked about since getting back from St. Louis is #brazil. In this one, I'll try to elaborate more on what exactly  kept me from blogging or really dedicating mental energy to anything extraneous as frequently as I would have liked and reflect on the experience now that it's *almost* said and done. Please don't hear me say anything other than that March was an unforgettable month that I hope we repeat. I got to do what I love to do and came here to do - involve people in what God is doing around the world - on a grand scale.  It was also draining in every way.  For starters, things have been pretty closed off from the rest of the world for... 378 days now, so forgive us for being a tad out of practice.  And while an individual volunteer may be on-field fo...

O Senhor te abençoe e te guarde

Confession: I've been less that faithful in keeping up with Portuguese on Duolingo. This one I've got, though: The Lord bless and keep you.  A full Proyecto Alianza  post will be forthcoming, but last night's despedida  service + BBQ, during which our Brazilian brothers & sisters presented the DRLM with a hand-painted (literally) canvas adorned with the title phrase, needs its own.  The phrase happens to be the first line of a blessing song in Portuguese, which the whole group sang for us.  After, I was humbled to go up with Tirzah and accept the gift on behalf of the team.  Missing the other half of the Fab Four: Jamielynn (in FL supporting the Schumann family) and Courtney (vacay).  Couldn't have done it all without our fearless Regional Director (brother, in Tirzah's case).    One of the pastors, Carlos, bakes bread (he also runs marathons and cycles)!? He brought a selection of loaves from his 2nd batch to share, first waxing eloquent...

Surprise Surprise

On Friday, 2/26, I boarded a plane for the first time in over a year. Even with my NEGATIVO COVID test results, I was apprehensive, but everything went smoothly. Despite my cheapest of the cheap tickets, I had an entire exit row to myself from Santiago to Newark, and masking/distancing were well enforced, I thought. Also, why haven't we always been boarding planes from back to front and deplaning by row while remaining seated until your row is called? So many questions.  My brother picked me up from the airport and I stayed at his house until it was time for Saturday's big reveal. He & his wife had invited my parents & sister over for what my mom (below, front and center) thought was a celebratory "birthday lunch" but turned out to be this. She claims she had no idea, so she either really didn't or deserves an Academy Award.  The family, friends, and coworkers in attendance gathered outside around a fire pit. Having just come off several week of sub-zero t...

Fit in February

I love working for an employer that cares holistically about me as an individual. LAC even has two nurses as a part of its regional team, both of whom serve on what we call the "Human Care Circle."  Last month, I joined them and a few other missionary ladies (the same masterminds behind LAC's spirit weeks waaaaaay back in April and May ) to plan "Fit February." Each week focused on a different aspect of health: physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. We created a calendar of daily challenges like Get at least 8 hours of sleep. Tackle a long time to-do list item. Say a new meal prayer. Send a note of appreciation or thanks to someone. Participation - by posting a photo in our regional WhatsApp group - in Monday's featured challenges merited entry into a drawing for one of two Amazon gift cards (which I did not win). I promised on Facebook that I'd share all four of mine after the fact, so here goes.  Monday, February 1: Get at least 30 min. of cardi...