The “H" Team
In October 2019, I hosted the "J Team" (St. J ohn's Lutheran Church in J amaica); last week, I hosted the "H" Team: the H oyt family of 4 + Mark, whose last name begins with the same letter. Three of the Hoyts served in Peru in February 2020 and had been looking for just the right opportunity to come back ever since. A work project was just up their alley, and when we settled on October, they took kindly to my suggestion that the FORO account for a portion of their time on the ground. They arrived the day before FORO arrival day, but instead of getting our hands too dirty, we eased in with a morning of sightseeing (I sat at a nearby café; the millennia-old ruins haven't changed since I was there in September ) and then made the hardware store into a cultural experience. Team members took advantage of Sunday worship in Los Olivos with the FORO group to scope out the project specs for one of our chief tasks: installing window panes and protecting them w...