Things I Wouldn’t Recommend
Toward the end of home service, I had lunch with a coworker. Based on what she knows of how I tend to roll and my rundown of what lay ahead, she told me, "You do a lot of things I wouldn't recommend!" I know she was talking about flying straight from St. Louis to Montevideo, Uruguay , to host a short-term team (no regrets), but I suspect baking ~15 dozen sugar cookies - with cookie cutters I'd never used before - within a week of getting home would be up there, too. I'd be home for all of nine days before flying back to St. Louis for my sister's wedding, during which time Concordia the Reformer Seminary's annual theological symposium took place. Home service + Uruguay meant I couldn't take on my normal logistics lead role, but I gladly jumped in for a few airport runs and some pinch hit problem solving. I'd also been looking for an occasion to use some...unique...cookie cutters I got in Germany... in 2021 !...and may have offered my services wit...