It's fun to stay with the UDLP
An hourlong drive to the desert oasis of Cieneguilla helped a volunteer team from the North Wisconsin District mentally shift gears from VBS mode to women's retreat mode. Women's ministry is an emergent area in which US volunteers can support the Peru mission as they provide encouragement and resources to the newly formed Peruvian equivalent of the LWML (the UDLP, or Unión de Damas Luteranas del Perú ). A growing group of ladies from all three congregations in Lima meets locally on a regular basis, but it was immediately evident that an overnight, offsite gathering provided a special boost for them organizationally, personally, and spiritually. The Wisconsin team welcomed 16 Peruvian guests with hugs (pictured) and goodie bags. Group sessions typically began with singing. The team taught the ladies one of the same songs they'd taught the kids at Castillo Fuerte mere days prior: "Praise Ye the Lord." The ladies - Peruvian and otherwise - got SO into a Lutheran W...