Remember the show 24 with Kiefer Sutherland, where the entire season takes place in a single day? I never did get into it, but my Sunday morning speaking engagement reminds me of it. The entirety of my visit to Ohio lasted a total of 15 hours!

I landed in Cleveland around 9:30 pm on Saturday night, then rented a car and drove to the home of the church members who had volunteered to host me. They were lovely, as was their condo. The next morning, I was introduced at both of Fairlawn Lutheran Church's services and led adult Bible class in between.

The children's message, hymnody, and sermon centered on the second half of the Gospel reading from Mark 6:1-13, where Jesus sends out the 12 apostles. It was all planned months prior to me even contacting the church, but also not lost on anyone how fitting it was that I was there. It seems like that's happened often - some liturgical element will tie-in perfectly to hosting a missionary. Maybe it's a coincidence...or maybe all of Scripture is about the proliferation of the Gospel?!?

Fairlawn Lutheran Church in Fairlawn, OH. 

Rev. Adam Thompson and I. His sister Marie & I went to high school together, which was my "in" with the congregation. 

I headed out around 12:30 pm, a few minutes after we snapped that selfie...

Until next time, blessings!
