What Happened in Vegas

What happened in Vegas was something only God could have ordained. My connection was former CPH coworker and Sem wife at the time Jessica, whose husband Adam got his first call to Christ Lutheran Church in Boulder City, NV. Rather than give my presentation multiple times, the LWML ladies at Christ hosted a luncheon on Saturday and invited a number of other congregations.

LOOK at those centerpieces. They sent me home with all of the Dominican flags!

Christ Lutheran Church in Boulder City, NV. 

Here comes the God-ordained part. My regional director, Blake Warren, and his family, have roots in Las Vegas. We each knew the other would be in town but hadn't made any plans to connect until a few days prior to my arrival. Blake asked if his family could come to the luncheon - of course! Amy, a deployed member of the LCMS Mission Advancement team, also came; she hadn't met Blake or I in person. I was able to share and answer questions before we all enjoyed a homemade, potluck-style meal.

As things were wrapping up, Blake came up with a "crazy" idea that didn't end up being crazy at all. Why didn't I join he and his family at Faith Lutheran Church in Las Vegas on Sunday and get a ride to the airport from them? Faith regularly sends short-term teams to the DR, so it would prove fruitful for me to meet some of the key leaders and vice-versa.

The timing was such that after church and fellowship at Christ, Jessica drove me to Faith in time to witness the Warrens speak briefly at the end of the late service. I then joined them and a roomful of members for lunch and a full-length presentation. The agenda also included reflections from two members of a team that had returned from the DR mere weeks prior to our being there. One was a 17 year old girl who teared up as she was speaking; I made it a point to thank her afterward and point out that I was in her shoes not all that long ago and look where that got me...

Me, the Warrens (Blake, Lizz, Jo, and Rachel), and the Brinks (Barb and Pastor Bo). The Brinks are recently retired former missionaries to Venezuela that are preparing to spend 6 mos. in Peru starting this September. I learned that I'll be taking an online course in church planting from Pastor Bo as a part of my on-field orientation. 

Oh yeah, I saw some cool stuff in state #6 (and #7!?!) of my loop: 

Lake Mead as seen from Hemenway Park ("sheep park") in Boulder City. Bighorn sheep are a frequent sighting (so I'm told...).

Scenic views on a Sunday morning drive to (and across!) the Hoover Dam before church. 

A Modern Civil Engineering Wonder of the United States. 

Does walking across the dam to Arizona count as visiting SEVEN states?

Selfie with my sweet friend Jessica in Faith's parking lot after she agreed to drive me to Las Vegas on Sunday morning, at the last minute, with a toddler and an infant in tow. 

Until next time, blessings!
