Week of 10/19/08

Two things of note in the past week:

1. I spoke at St. Paul's at the Saturday night service on 10/18 and at all three services on Sunday morning 10/19. I went following the first hymn after a brief introduction by either Pastor Femmel or Pastor Seban. My speech basically outlined what I will be doing and a few of the possible ways to support me. I started off by reading a Bible verse from Psalm 19:

1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.

3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.

4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

Then after each service my dad and I each took a door and we handed out the brochures that LCMS printed for me as people exited. All in all I think the weekend went well...I received lots of compliments on my talk and got rid of probably 100ish brochures, mostly to people that I didn't know. The Afternoon Guild also hosted a bake sale for me at Fellowship Breakfast and in between services that turned out to be a rousing success; it started off with three tables of baked goods and EVERYTHING sold! My name was in the bulletin three separate times too: the bake sale was on the front of the "Good News" section, my talk appeared in the order of service as "Disciple in Action," and I was listed specifically on the prayer request list as we prayed for all who take great risks or pay high costs for the sake of the Gospel.

2. I received an e-mail Monday evening with EXTREMELY good news regarding a grant that I had applied for a few weeks prior. Like a little over 1/6 of my total...can you do math in your head??? Needless to say I was pretty excited!

I'm home on fall break as I write this...3rd time in as many weekends that I've been home. Good thing I-44 is a gorgeous drive this time of year. I'm spending the weekend working and doing homework basically since all of my friends had their breaks earlier this month, and I washed my car this afternoon too since there were a lot of bug guts on it! Oh yeah...and I have a TON of thank-you notes to write. I'm glad I have the chance to be productive though; when I go back I only have 6 weeks left ;)

Until next time, blessings!
