I am pretty proud of the French Silk pie I mentioned in my entry yesterday, so here are a couple pictures of it. I even made the crust myself and didn't use Pillsbury pie crust-in-a-box that you unroll into the pan like I normally would. If you want to read the full story of how I made it and see step-by-step photos, visit http://www.thekneadychefs.blogspot.com/.

Alejandra liked it too! Chris and I took it over to her house because it was Maria's birthday yesterday, and all she could talk about during dinner was the "pastel." When it was finally time for dessert, Chris cut her a piece and then asked her, "Porque quieres pastel?" (Why do you want pie?), to which she replied, "Para comerme toda!" (So I can eat it all!).

You should also go look at the Spring 2009 edition of the YLM newsletter, which came out today (http://www.ylm.org/acrobat/YLMnews2009a.pdf). Page 5 is my personal favorite... ;)

Until next time, blessings!
