MAN, I could GO for a Mango

Day: 140. Summer reading program pages logged: 3,045. New mango recipes attempted in the past two weeks: 7. 

It all started when missionary colleagues Jonathan & Cheryl gifted me a plastic grocery bag full of mangoes from the trees (yes, plural) in their yard. 

Aside from eating them plain; making parfaits with yogurt & granola; and stockpiling freezer baggies of yellow-orange fruit at the peak of sweetness for smoothies, I made Mango Crumb Bars

When I offered to share a couple with my purveyors, they asked if I wanted more mangoes. Who am I to turn down free, homegrown tropical fruit? I left with a reusable grocery bag full of mangoes and started cranking out every mango recipe in my Pinterest arsenal. 

[Note: Follow the hyperlinks and scroll down to the photos/Comments for recipes + my notes. I'd make any of these again in a hearbeat.]

Banana Mango Smoothie (No, I don't always follow a recipe for smoothies. Most frequently it's whatever combo of juice, yogurt, and fresh/frozen/canned fruit I happen to have on hand.)

I'm not saying I haven't tried a plethora of mango recipes in the past, and there's plenty more where these came from (mojitos, a side salad with feta, a sweet chili sauce, another iteration of mango muffins, even pizza)...but one every other day seemed to merit special mention. Send me a picture or tag me on Facebook or Instagram if you try any of these or have a favorite mango recipe you think I should add to my list!

Until next time, blessings!
