My First Fair

I left off my account of home service road trip #1 en route to Warsaw, MO, perhaps best known as the site of Truman Dam, separating Lake of the Ozarks from Truman Lake. 

I know it best, however, as the site of Faith Lutheran Church; I have the fine flock there to thank for my first Missouri State Fair experience!

But first...

I arrived in Warsaw Monday evening and stayed two nights with Ken, a retired LCMS pastor, and his wife Vi. 

Vi hooked me up with a purple shirt for Tuesday morning's excursion with Faith's LWML ladies (well, for the picture beforehand, anyway). 

Stop #1 (pictured): the Benton County Museum. There I learned that Warsaw was historically known as the Gunstock Capital of the World, but the most interesting thing I saw was a yellowed map of US states, territories, and overseas possessions that included an inset for the [Panama] Canal Zone! The Lutheran Church in Panama has worshipping congregations there to this day! 

Stop #2: Lunch at My Secret Garden Tea Room. That afternoon, Ken & Vi drove me to Heit's Point, a Lutheran camp 12 mi. from their home where Ken serves as pastoral liaison, for the sake of something to do and as a walk down memory lane. My college campus ministry used to hold weekend retreats there; so far as I can tell from digging through old photos, the last time would have been March 2007.  Entering the Spitz Center, we encountered Director Mark Nolte working in the sitting area. I remain convinced that our meeting was not coincidental. Fast forward to an impromptu meeting at church the next morning with Mark and his partner in crime, Jeff, and Heit's Point is going to adopt me as its 2022 summer camp mission project! 

Speaking of the next morning, I was at church to meet Carolyn (below, 2nd from left), my ride to the Missouri State Fair. 

Lutheran Hour Ministries had a booth in one of the buildings (my mind was blown that there were buildings - air conditioned buildings!) and had coordinated with area LCMS congregations to staff it. Faith's shift was 1-5 pm on Wednesday afternoon. We shared God's Word with interested fairgoers by distributing tracts on various theological and social issues, mini Bible story booklets, yardsticks, and stickers and pencils with Christian slogans and wished everyone who walked by a "blessed day." 

"Would you like a yardstick? They're not making them any longer." --Rozella (right)

We rushed back to church as soon as the evening shift arrived for a Mission Festival in lieu of Faith's normal Wednesday service. We shared in a finger food potluck meal and brief liturgy by Ken, then I was up!

Sadly I neglected to document it, but Faith's Board of Evangelism takes the cake for décor so far! They not only left, but added to, the remnants of their recent rainforest themed VBS to make me feel at home in the tropics. 

Faith is not a congregation I had previously connected with, but I caffeinated myself and drove the 3+ hours back to St. Louis Wednesday night having gained numerous new brothers and sisters in Christ that I may even see again before home service is said and done!

Until next time (from Ohio if I can find the time), blessings!
