When the Interpreter needs an Interpreter
When your next team misses their connection and gets in a day later than expected...you blog about the last one, a vision clinic in Lima, Peru, with Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (ORLC) in Wichita Falls, TX. ORLC is perhaps LAC's most widely traveled congregation, so six of the eight team members had served in at least one other field, sometimes more. Four were part of a vision clinic team IN Lima in November 2019. This particular trip was a Tuesday to a Tuesday, with a set-up day, four clinic days, and a culture day. My practice is always to arrive in countries I don't live in the day before a team. I would have been OK with late evening, but all the good flights must have been gone. I was therefore scheduled to arrive around 1 am Monday, which turned into 7 am when all was said and done. I vowed to stay awake so I'd sleep well that night and have energy for prep work Tuesday before the team arrived in the early evening - not hard when a pair of cuties is begging for ...