How can we serve you today?
Another team, another logical point at which to split their week into two blogs; here goes part I. No matter though: these nine wonderful humans asked me the title question at least once a day, everyday, because I was sick for a majority of their time here, and because southern hospitality. I'm talking about Trinity Lutheran Church in Athens, GA! I have to hand it to the Rev. Tim Davis (below, 3rd from left) for getting an international mission trip off the ground a mere year and a half after accepting his call there (he previously served in the DR in March 2022 with his former congregation mere weeks after relocating cross-country). Trinity represents a team we'd been recruiting for a number of years, to help us put on the first ever national youth retreat for the confessional Lutheran youth of the five DRLM congregations. The retreat took place at a Catholic retreat center in the mountains, but first, we spent two full days in Santiago planning, shopping, and preppi...