Between Teams

People often ask me what I do between teams. Let's start with the fact that my job is MUCH broader than hosting volunteers, and the regular rhythm of things doesn't stop, so I'm still minimally
  1. making arrangements for upcoming teams: tweaking schedules and spend plans; answering last minute team leader questions; and crossing t's and dotting i's when it comes to risk management. 
  2. identifying and promoting new opportunities. This week, three Peru postings went live: 
  3. dialoguing with potential teams...currently, as far out as 2025!
  4. attending weekly meetings. 
  5. tackling special projects (at present: regional conference planning; moving the regional office).
  6. doing this, i.e. keeping in touch with and thanking all those who make everything else I do possible!
But when I only have a matter of days between one team leaving and the next arriving, how do I fill them?

I TRY to rest, but it often takes my brain a bit to decompress and realize that it's OK to stop. The Trinity, Athens team left on a Monday, and it wasn't until Saturday that I alternately read and napped for a majority of the day. 

I also have to get ready to receive the next team (as does the seminary...shoutout to Doña Veronica and her mad laundry and cleaning skills). That looks like many things: picking up cash from the business office; lots of WhatsApp messaging to confirm activities, rides, times, and the like; and shopping - for groceries, project supplies, and sometimes tools. 

I did a LOT more of the latter than normal for the Higher Things (HT) team that left Saturday. Lest you think they were high maintenance, they were very much the opposite. It's just the nature of the beast - VBS - especially when snacks are an experience, not an afterthought. I mean, we're talking trees with graham cracker trunks and apple slice foliage and Swiss Cake Roll treasure chests. 

Snack supplies (less anything chocolate, which went straight into the fridge). 

Craft supplies. 

"Getting ready" for HT's week of kids' programming - in a first-time location - also looked like inviting. I accompanied seminary grad Carlos & his wife Berkis to volleyball practice at the VBS location the Thursday before the team arrived to extend a personal invitation to the players and their siblings, cousins, neighbors, etc. 

We took a quick detour literally across the street to see the ministry location that the mission had signed a contract on mere days prior. Imagine this patio, cleared of trash and debris, with tables, chairs, and a big tent for shade.

Then, we took to the streets and visited three families within walking distance. 

Williany (2nd from left), had perfect attendance... did Altagracia's daughters Luz and Esperanza. 

As the VBS start date got even closer, Carlos posted this image in a WhatsApp group of volleyball parents. 

I also had got to bake in preparation for the HT team! They requested "heart-shaped cookies" for Thursday's snack. I wouldn't even know where to buy packaged heart-shaped cookies in the US, but I DO have a foolproof recipe for roll-out sugar cookies. Double batch, coming right up. 

And finally, I borrowed a table and some chairs from the regional office and readied my dining room for 13 recipe-tasters guests the evening they arrived. I'd been waiting two years to be able to entertain like this again, and it made my heart so happy. 

You'll have to wait until my next post to read about what all of the preparations were building up to ;) Until next time, blessings in Christ!
