Michigan was Grand
[Current location: St. Louis, MO] It's a mystery to me how the organizer of the Rapid Waters Zone's spring LWML rally in Grand Rapids, MI, got my name, but when I mentioned to an October 2023 team from St. John's in Grand Haven, MI, that I'd be in their area in mid-April, a visit was a foregone conclusion. The St. John's crew insisted I come to their prom-themed school auction Friday night - just the occasion I'd been waiting for to break out my mom's '70s prom dress. Zoom in to see the cars and stoplights! Saturday morning, my host family graciously let me borrow their car to drive myself ~45 min. to Messiah Lutheran Church, where an empty table awaited the paraphernalia I'd brought. Just outside the room where attendees were wrapping up a continental breakfast was ALL. OF. THIS. My mind ricocheted from awe and gratitude to the fact that I'd flown to Michigan. With a carryon, and ONLY a carryon. Skip ahead to the end if you're dying to...