Concierto de verano

I love events like this that drive home the DR team's family ideal - and not just because the picadera that followed gave me a chance to try a new cookie recipe

Missionary wife Becca Krey stays busy by, among MANY other things, teaching music and music theory to seminarians, seminary wives & kids, missionary kids (MKs), and church members, all of which figured into an evening of celebrating their achievements last week (evidently there was a concierto de primavera [spring concert], too, but I must have been hosting volunteers, out of the country, or otherwise indisposed because I most certainly was not there). Here's a sampling of the set list: 

Alondra Cepeda Tatis (church member - Buen Pastor) | La banda del medio tiempo, N. & R. Faber

Azariah Krey (MK) | King of the Land, N. & R. Faber

Esther Krey (MK) | Gigue from the Sonata in D. Minor, F. M. Veracini

Edith Chiri Coronado (seminary wife - Bolivia) | Primavera, A. Vivaldi

 ,Matthias (MK), Leandro (seminary kid - Cuba), and Areisy (church member - Pueblo Nuevo) | Roca de eternidad, Himnario Luterano

Jesús Daniel Barceló (seminary kid - Venezuela), Esther (MK), and Tirzah (missionary) | Y si vivimos, Himnario Luterano, arr. J. Barceló

Mía Sofía (seminary kid - Mexico) and Jhudi (missionary kid - Bolivia) | Claro de luna, traditional

The festivities wrapped up in time for me to run home for an hour or so before helping Tirzah pick up LAC's newest missionaries, the Shaver familyThey flew through immigration & customs, even with 12 suitcases and a dog. ¡Bienvenidos!

Until next time, blessings in Christ!
