
It's been a celebratory last week in Santiago: we installed TWO new missionary pastors. Both were already ordained, but at regular Divine Services on Wednesday and Sunday (yesterday), respectively, they were officially placed into their roles as shepherds of particular congregations. For both, this step signals the beginning of a transition from on-field orientation to day-to-day ministry. 

1. Rev. Roberto Weber, Iglesia Luterana el Buen Pastor, Palmar Arriba

I brought MK Ryan (age 10) with me since his dad was part of the service and had to be there early. He picked out a seat in the 2nd row so we could see everything up close. The service was lovely - featuring choirs of a) seminarians and b) ladies from the church - but SO hot. Roberto was directly in front of me and sweating bullets; twice I passed him Kleenex from the travel pack in my purse. Something tells me the new pastor might revisit a long since tabled conversation about A/C. In the spirit of true immersion, Rev. David Mommens, here for five weeks of intensive Spanish, got to perform a part of the liturgy alongside all of the other clergy present. 

2. Rev. Dr. Ross Shaver, Iglesia Luterana de Pueblo Nuevo

Pueblo Nuevo isn't "my" church, but I wasn't about to miss this milestone for the Shavers. I did my best to corral 2 yr. old Easton so that of all Sundays, Kris could pay as much attention as possible on her husband's big day. And a Big Day it was, as following the rite of installation, the remainder of the liturgy fell to Ross. In his second language. He'd been practicing for weeks and nailed it, with me silently cheering him on. Ross always says he never wanted to be anything but a pastor, and even in a culture not his own, that's exactly what he gets to be for his new flock (and his eventual students - he'll begin teaching at the seminary in the spring semester). Speaking of second languages, Pastor Mommens was voluntold he'd be helping with la Santa Cena. Ope! He, too, nailed it. After the service, I got to represent Iglesia Luterana Cordero de Dios and present Ross with a gift on behalf of the congregation. Pastor Krey, emceeing the accolades, also called up Ross's Spanish teacher Jacqui. It hit me just how much of an outreach the mission's in-house language institute is. Finally, if the personalized stickers on the individual boxes of pre-sliced cake are any indication, Pueblo Nuevo knows how to throw a party!

Photo: Jana Inglehart. 

May God bless both men as they faithfully serve the members and communities to which God has called them. It loses a little something in the translation, but as the chorus of a hymn sung at both services eloquently states, "It's beautiful to see the messenger of peace's feet come down from the mountain" (c.f. Isaiah 52:7).

Until next time, blessings in Christ!
