Out of Many, One
Many families, one team: Team Chicago. I love the vibe of family groups (like St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mt. Prospect, IL, that was here last week), I think because it is how I first experienced this place: people who might not normally even give each other a second glance wind up on a scaffold together or covered in drywall dust together. This was my third year in a row working with St. Paul; it was a wonderful week of progress and spending time with friends old and new. The task at hand for most of the group was continuing where NDSU had left off with the Hinojosas. Existing house: more stucco, fascia, soffet, windows, doors, trim, wiring, insulation, roof patching, and sheetrock. New addition: completely finished, painted outside, primed inside.
I could never forget those brave souls that spent their week organizing the mission's tool shed! Debby was the chief, but various others cycled through for part of the week. It was like deja vu all over again for them seeing as how they had tackled the same project two years ago, but sadly enough it needed help again. Some remnants of their labeling remained, but you could barely walk! The pictures at the end could never convey how my heart just sings when I walk in there now. I found some gloves and safety goggles laying around in the dorm today, and I knew exactly where to put them away. It was a beautiful feeling! One of my favorite features is a Tupperware tub that will function like the bookdrop at the library: if you don't know where something goes, leave it there so people who do can put it away for you!
We had to saw off some of the overhanging rafters on the existing structure to make the new addition adjoin properly...Glen took care of that.
Jo Jo stuccoing...I was inside the house looking out the window at her up on the scaffolding when I took this picture.
In her defense, the studs were NOT straight. You could have taken a very similar picture of me about 5 minutes later.
To give you some perspective on what the whole compound looks like at this point (and so those of you who have previously worked here can see how things are progressing), the existing structure is to the left, and the new addition is on the right. The two doors each lead to separate bedrooms, which will eventually come off a hallway.
Side view. This was before we painted the addition--although our attempt at paint-matching was a major fail since the stucco dries darker and darker as you add subsequent coats...
The roof was a success based on the amount of tar I had on me at the end...none! My whole crew was fairly clean actually, even the 8th grader who begged his mom to buy him new tennis shoes before they left because he had planned on tarring in his old ones!
We used 2 extra rolls to patch the top and bottom rows of the existing structure's roof, which were a little iffy.
I have nothing but respect for the crew that worked to hang all of the ceiling sheetrock in the existing structure. It's almost 12 feet tall on the high side, so they were forced to work from the scaffolding.
Random...I liked the way the vans and their corresponding shadows were kind of evenly spaced one day.
Team Chicago (minus one who had to leave early, and Debby, hard at work in the tool shop) plus homeowner Dora.
Time to finish my book before bed. Until next time, blessings!
I could never forget those brave souls that spent their week organizing the mission's tool shed! Debby was the chief, but various others cycled through for part of the week. It was like deja vu all over again for them seeing as how they had tackled the same project two years ago, but sadly enough it needed help again. Some remnants of their labeling remained, but you could barely walk! The pictures at the end could never convey how my heart just sings when I walk in there now. I found some gloves and safety goggles laying around in the dorm today, and I knew exactly where to put them away. It was a beautiful feeling! One of my favorite features is a Tupperware tub that will function like the bookdrop at the library: if you don't know where something goes, leave it there so people who do can put it away for you!