The Plan in Action

Good morning. Got back from a 6 am airport run a little bit ago, so I have been getting some work done on my computer and I figured now would be a good time to start on one of the blogs that is swimming around in my head.

This one is about a servant event from Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Chippewa Falls, WI. Although they have lodged at YLM in the past, this year they were with another El Paso church called Cristo Rey (not the YLM affiliated one in Juarez), but were able to spend 2 days working here. It was a good way to ease into the busyness of spring break season. Their jobs were to finish clearing out and power-wash the building on campus where we had a fire in April 2009, and then to paint the interior with Kilz (like primer to eliminate any mold/residual smoky smell). They had to do the first part on Monday and the second part on Friday so that the building would have ample time to dry thoroughly.

The group's work was the next step in the plan that was recently developed for what's currently a burned out shell: it's going to be the new thrift store. The thrift store's current location is kind of hidden, so although the new location sacrifices quite a bit of storage space, it will offer much butter visibility and access from the street. Some of the "Snowbirds" had done quite a bit of clearing out before Our Saviour's arrived; the roof will eventually need to be torn off as well and then the building will be completely ready for the June servant event from Hastings, MN, that will frame and sheetrock the inside and put on a new roof. Maybe some pictures will help you envision it:

There was A LOT of dust in the air when that gigantic chunk of boards fell off the ceiling!

Youth from Our Saviour's. I feel like every time I went over there to take pictures, they were taking a break... ;)

One of the last ceiling boards to come down.

Adding to the Snowbirds' pile...

The beginnings of Kilz.

They finished painting FAST!


On Friday some of the team hauled trash over to the dumpster since they had too many people to all be painting at once. No more pile of nasty boards outside!

Until next time, blessings!
