The 3 Ps

I'm in the middle of a few weeks of "calm before the storm," aka almost a month on the road starting the last week in June. The life of a pre-deployed missionary is never boring, though, and these days I don't even have to leave my house to keep busy piling, purging, and packing. I've been mentally triage-ing my belongings - sell, bring, and store - for months, but have begun in earnest now. Here's a glimpse into my system.

This pile grows a little bit everyday; anything I'm not emotionally attached to is getting sold. I'll be moving in with my parents the last week of July and setting my house up for a giant moving sale. Watch for more details in mid-July if you're in the St. Louis area. 

I've been focusing on drawers, closets, etc. one at a time so as not to overwhelm myself. This is the result of emptying my shredder 3x while cleaning out my desk. Needless to say, my trash and recycle bins have been fuller than normal lately. 

I got eight of these tubs for Christmas (#missionarylife) to fill with things I want to save but not bring. My parents graciously offered to store them for me along with a few pieces of heirloom furniture. I'm sure it will surprise no one to learn that I have an Excel spreadsheet with a worksheet corresponding to each numbered tub. A piece of paper would serve the same purpose, but a spreadsheet is searchable!

And one more non-alliterative gerund just for fun...kayaking! I had never been before, so these lovely ladies & I enjoyed a beautiful Monday afternoon at a local lake where you can rent kayaks by the hour. I'd do it again!

Until next time, blessings!
