A Closing Opening Celebration
At the risk of this getting lost in the frenzy of Friday's fender bender and its aftermath, my rear wasn't the only thing that got ended over the weekend. Friday was the 5th and final day of the Campamento in Palmar, but all week, we had been encouraging the kids to come to church on Sunday, together with their parents, for what I'll call a closing celebration. In actuality, I hope we were celebrating an opening, or many openings - of hearts to the Holy Spirit, so that the great faith exemplified in each day's hero might be created and nurtured in each child who came and his or her household. Thursday's craft turned into a path to the cross as each child laid his or her footprints next in line during closing. Each day had a different Bible memory verse. I was amazed at the kids' recall abilities as we reviewed all of the previous ones each day and as they recited all 5 on Sunday (video below!). We also practiced the song Justificados pues por fe...