Connectedness in Christ

I got to go to my home church, St. Paul's in Des Peres, MO, twice during home service - once just because, and once, last weekend, to be involved in every aspect of weekend worship. 

My presentation, held in the newly christened Bender Music Room, was one of several Sunday morning Bible class options available to parishioners. I think this might have been the first time I presented in such a fashion about my work, either as a GEO from 2009-2011 or since I became a Career missionary in 2018?!

Additionally, I gave not one, not two, not three, and not four, but FIVE Mission Minutes. Er, Mission Two and a Half Minutes ;) Mission Minutes are a chance for a representative from the Mission of the Month or another ministry or organization to share a timely update after the announcements and before the opening hymn. I knew I wanted to include a Bible passage, and the only one that kept coming to mind was Colossians 4:14-15: 

Luke the beloved physician greets you, as does Demas. Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house.

Not where you'd go right away? Inspired by my women's Bible study group's recent study of Colossians, I knew I wanted the take-home point of my message to be connectedness in Christ. Paul ends many of his letters as above, with a litany of people who send greetings to the letters' readers and to whom he sends greetings. But these names aren't random. They are individuals that God has woven into Paul's story for an express purpose, to bolster him in his calling with their prayers, encouragement, gifts, companionship, and hospitality. I could have spent all morning sharing greetings from the people I live and serve with and amongst in the Dominican. By the same token, I know I carry the prayers and well-wishes of my St. Paul's family with me as I travel back to the Dominican. As I share photos and stories from the field with the sending Church, and as the congregation that raised and sent me continues to sustain me in my vocation, our interconnectedness in the family of believers is forged and reinforced again and again. It's mysterious and it's beautiful and I love it. 

Waiting in the wings. 

I know you're wondering! Saturday night, I did the Mission Minute at the 5:00 pm service. Sunday morning I did 8:00 and 9:30 am (after setting my computer up, hustling down the side aisle to the sacristy, then running back upstairs to present), the 10:45 am sanctuary service, and, after a mad dash across the parking lot, Living Stone at the same time in the gym (pictured). 

Until next time, blessings!
