House Hunter International

I've anecdotally shared my housing situation often since this saga began nearly a year ago - moreso as of late as it's become an enormous frustration and stressor - and many of you continue to ask and pray, so here's the 411. 

Last spring, my landlord shared she'd be needing "my" house back temporarily. After suspecting as much for months, her "temporarily" has officially turned into permanently - or at least indefinitely. 
Since July 1, I've been living in an apartment about two blocks from there. In recent weeks, I've become increasingly annoyed with its quirks and am beyond ready to nest into my own space, albeit not the one I'd give anything to have back. The mission's contract on the apartment ends June 30, by which point I'll need to relocate. I'm not mad about this aspect; rather, I have a countdown on my phone (82 days, 10 hours, 4 minutes, and 40 seconds as of this writing). 

So where am I going? That is the burning question. I could be on HGTV. The entire team is helping me keep an eye out for SE ALQUILA (FOR RENT) or SE VENDE (FOR SALE, although oftentimes owners looking to sell will consider long-term, dependable tenants) signs, and my camera roll is filling up with shots like these. 

I walked through this one yesterday, but the owner was NOT one of those willing to compromise on her dreams of selling.

I'm giving the hunt until May 1. If I have no leads by then, enter Plan B: Rafael & Jamielynn's house. Lord willing, they'll be moving to Chile this summer once Rafa graduates from Concordia the Reformer Seminary and they both obtain Chilean visas. The property is a known entity, a huge asset when it comes to moves in the DR. All parties are tentatively agreed, so we'd just need to hash out the nitty gritty like appliances, who goes where between the end of my lease and their uncertain move date, etc. 

A small part of me dies inside every time I drive by the house I used to live in - often since it's across from our regional office. I'm confident the Lord has an even better place for me in store, though, and it goes without saying that I have an incredible community to help me transition wherever that is when the times comes. 

Until next time, blessings in Christ!


Prayers for you as you house hunt the one that God has planned for you! Love and hugs!