Lutherans in the House

Well, the conference room anyway. Over the weekend, Tirzah and I attended a retreat put on by a brand new missionary care organization called Yuvia at a resort in Puerto Plata. The content, built around the theme "Dwelling in the Rhythm of Wellness," was tertiary to our dual purposes of 

1. meeting other expat missionaries; and
2. gleaning pro tips we could incorporate into LAC's annual missionary conference (Tirzah's in charge, and it seems I'm helping more and more with each passing year). 

Check and check. Any of you LAC missionaries reading this will have to wait until August to see what new tricks we have up our sleeves, but I can say for certain that my circle of like-minded friends is already larger. I'd previously met another attendee (we're Facebook friends!) although I have zero memory of it, and another couple used to live in our neighborhood next door to a former missionary family. I'm looking forward to some hikes and coffee dates in the coming weeks. 

We had a quick dinner at the buffet the first night before Session One from 7:30-9:30 pm. I tried sugar cane for the first time!

You could tell we were all Dominican missionaries because we came prepared for A/C with long pants and jackets!

Thankful for this girl (living her best resort life with - count 'em - five beverages at breakfast one morning). I wouldn't have gone had it not been for her, and we sharpened each other as we debriefed together. 

Checkout's at noon but we can stay 'til 2?! Reading by the pool it is.

Besides ideas and new WhatsApp contacts, Tirzah and I both came away with a renewed appreciation for the LCMS - our "sending agency" - and all of the ways we as missionaries are loved, cared for, and most importantly, reminded that we have a risen Savior who loves and cares for us. 

Until next time, blessings in Christ!
