That Dam FORO
Even with multiple days of being "on" pre-FORO, or perhaps because of them, it was a dam good FORO. in, Friday's cultural excursion was to a dam. After scoping it out during Holy Week , I knew it'd be a winner, and it was. I warned everyone they'd probably want closed-toed shoes. Jessi (Trinity, Davenport, IA), me, Becca, and Kris (Zion, Nampa, ID) on 1 of 3 boats that took us across the lake. Group pic after a delicious buffet lunch. Saturday is always the longest day of the DR FORO, but I inevitably learn something I didn't know even though I live there and leave so encouraged by how God is blessing the efforts of missionary colleagues and national workers alike. One of the tasks I usually do in preparation for a FORO is assigning interpreters for each session...oftentimes including myself. Our partners support and care for us in so many ways...including feeding us yummy Italian food! FORO partners worshipped together at Iglesia L...