
Below is an e-mail that I sent to all the YLM staff members and also all previous servant event leaders, but I thought I would put it on here too in case anyone has other suggestion. Turns out I will need a lot more than I originally thought because we are going to try and get a bulk postage rate...aka 200!!!

Hi everybody--

Part of my job here is to work on filling out the servant event calendar, particularly in the off-season months (aka NOT June, July, and August). My first idea was to spam every Lutheran church in America with an SE brochure, but that's not very feasible, so I am asking all of you for churches/organizations you may know of that would potentially be interested in sending a group. I'll send each one a personalized letter telling them who gave me their name/why they are getting mail from me along with a brochure.

Think along the lines of churches that your friends/relatives belong to (not necessarily Lutheran), churches where former pastors/DCE's/teachers/members of your church are now serving, etc. Send me as much info as you have, and for anything LCMS, I can find the rest on

I already have a decent list started of just ones that I thought of, but any input you have would be appreciated. Feel free to send this to anyone else who may have suggestions too.

