Have a Heart
This past Saturday YLM had its annual Have a Heart volunteer recognition luncheon. Have a Heart is held each year on a Saturday around Valentine's Day in honor of all the people who give of their time, talents, and treasures to make the mission a better place, and as usual Chris cooked (BBQ chicken, corn, macaroni and cheese) and a weekend servant event from Rio Rancho, NM, provided extra hands to help with service and clean-up. They also generously purchased all of the decorations you see in the photos below. The 15 people they brought were a HUGE help, and it wasn't just me that noticed how helpful and hardworking they were. After being Chris's sous chef all morning, it was a wonderful feeling to sit down and enjoy my lunch, the Mariachi San Pablo serenade, and the program portion of the event. Elvira and Stephen emceed; here are some of the stats they had calculated for 2009:
1000+ volunteers
45,000+ volunteer hours
4 people with 2000+ hours
1 person with 700+ hours
The 4 with over 2000 hours and the 1 with over 700 were called up to the front and given a special thank-you. Yes, one of them was me if you were curious, although I probably shouldn't count; I live right here on campus and while I don't exactly get paid for what I do, it's kind of my job :) Anyways, here are a few photos from Saturday:
Hi guys! Maybe you tell from this picture and maybe you can't but the whole Rio Rancho group even wore matching black pants and white shirts!
1000+ volunteers
45,000+ volunteer hours
4 people with 2000+ hours
1 person with 700+ hours
The 4 with over 2000 hours and the 1 with over 700 were called up to the front and given a special thank-you. Yes, one of them was me if you were curious, although I probably shouldn't count; I live right here on campus and while I don't exactly get paid for what I do, it's kind of my job :) Anyways, here are a few photos from Saturday: