"Gozo al Mundo" Photo Shoot
I don't know whose idea it was to do the photo shoot for Mariachi San Pablo's new Christmas CD, "Gozo al Mundo," at White Sands National Monument, but these turned out pretty cool! I went along as their roadie.
They all had to roll up their pants/skirts to hike across the sand!

They played "How Great Thou Art" right before we left, because you can't be a mariachi band, in your suits, with your instruments, and NOT play, wherever you are! It was pretty easy to get the meaning of the lyrics in a setting like that.
And some of my scenery shots:

That has to be a planet to the right of the moon.
These are my versions of all the poses that the photographer took. For some of them, they literally had to be in position in less than a minute due to the changing light at sunset!
And some of my scenery shots:
Order your copy today at the special pre-release discounted price of $12. The recording is slated to be released in November. You can e-mail ahernandez@ylm.org or contact me and I'll put your order in! There's going to be a free single of "Gozo al Mundo" (Joy to the World) available for download on the YLM website soon too!
Until next time, blessings!
Until next time, blessings!