Mesas de Reyes

Chris and I crashed this past Wednesday's hot meal program at Iglesia Luterana Sin Paredes to deliver a special surprise--new folding tables donated by a March 2011 servant event participant! We were able to purchase 5 6-ft. ones, for a total of 30 ft. The program, Mesa de Reyes (King's Table) operates weekly and features Christian education for all ages along with a meal, usually ramen noodles mixed with canned veggies. The old tables weren't very kingly, but the new ones look pretty regal if you ask me!

Javier and Rosy setting up one of the new tables...

...and taking down an old one!

More volunteers helping.

Kings' tables!

Trying them out with coloring sheets and lunch...


Carol said…
Hi, Erin! Just breezed through all your blogs that I hadn't read, and wanted to let you know I have been here. Because of planning our YLM trip, Jury Duty, meetings, curriculum writing, and teaching classes, I don't have more than a minute to comment, but wanted you to know I have seen them and enjoyed them. Blessings, and looking forward to seeing you soon. Carol