A Blue Ribbon Weekend
It was a blue ribbon weekend. And red. And a little bit of yellow.
In the interest of tying up the loose ends of the acoustic panel project that the team a few weeks ago started on, I spent Friday and Saturday in Palmar.
In the interest of tying up the loose ends of the acoustic panel project that the team a few weeks ago started on, I spent Friday and Saturday in Palmar.
On Friday, while our carpenter Boby and his helper plowed through assembling, stuffing, and covering the remaining panels, I and my super duper helper Abby glued ribbon on the ceiling ones to cover extra staples we decided to add as an anti-sagging measure.
Dinner and laughs with friends from church was just what I needed to recharge before doing it all over again.
Boby called in reinforcements to help with installation on Saturday.
Ceiling panels ready to go up!
And...most of them still are.
By the time we left, we had made some progress on the walls...
By the time we left, we had made some progress on the walls...
...but not a single ceiling panel had been hung.
I could wallow in my seeming failure to properly estimate the scope of the work we asked the team to do compared with the team's size, skill level, and time frame, or I could put on my holistic paradigm goggles. The team's project was "Palmar Acoustic Panels," or, in an even broader sense, "Palmar Acoustics." It started well before their plane touched down as Danelle & I scoured Pinterest for ideas, scrawled diagrams, and went back and forth with Boby. It will continue as local professionals like Boby install the remaining panels and we pursue other sound quality improvement tactics. The team blessed us with three days of participation in an effort that may, when all is said and done, last months. Starting with me, this newfangled approach to projects is slowly but surely being implemented around the region, but that doesn't mean I wasn't thrilled beyond belief when Boby, who was back at it yesterday, texted me this picture:
I could wallow in my seeming failure to properly estimate the scope of the work we asked the team to do compared with the team's size, skill level, and time frame, or I could put on my holistic paradigm goggles. The team's project was "Palmar Acoustic Panels," or, in an even broader sense, "Palmar Acoustics." It started well before their plane touched down as Danelle & I scoured Pinterest for ideas, scrawled diagrams, and went back and forth with Boby. It will continue as local professionals like Boby install the remaining panels and we pursue other sound quality improvement tactics. The team blessed us with three days of participation in an effort that may, when all is said and done, last months. Starting with me, this newfangled approach to projects is slowly but surely being implemented around the region, but that doesn't mean I wasn't thrilled beyond belief when Boby, who was back at it yesterday, texted me this picture:
That's a prize-winning photo if I ever saw one.
Until next time, blessings!