Modernizing Mission Central


Mission Central in Mapleton, IA, is an outpost of our Synod's Mission Advancement division that blesses missionaries tremendously as they build networks of prayerful and financial support prior to deployment and as they serve the Lord in their various vocations. I won't even try to explain how a renovated farm complex in the middle of a cornfield has truly become a miracle place - just do me and yourself a favor and go sometime. 

The gist of it is that since 1994, Gary Thies and an army of volunteers have drummed up millions in support of NOT NORMAL people and projects around the world by inviting church groups from surrounding states to learn from and interact with visiting missionaries and by maintaining a robust website. With a new year come a number of updates to said website that make it even simpler to support God’s mission in LAC and around the world through me and the rest of YOUR missionaries. Among them:

1. a combined Mission Central/LCMS logo (see above);

2. a mobile-friendly giving form;

3. the option to make a gift in memory/honor of someone; 

4. the ability to pay using Apple Pay, if configured, from an Apple device; 

5. the option to cover the 2.56% payment processing fee if paying by credit card; and

6. unique text-to-give keywords for each missionary (text LCMSMACKENZIE to 41-444 to try mine!). 

I thank God for the work of each of His servants in Mission Advancement, especially Mission Central's staff and volunteers and all who had a hand in researching, implementing, testing, and rolling out these new technologies. I also thank God for each of YOU who, together, make the Kingdom task to which I've been appointed possible. Scan the QR code below to explore all of the ways you can partner with me to help "make known his deeds among the peoples!" (Psalm 105:1). 
Until next time, blessings in Christ!
